How Do B Vitamins Affect Estrogen Metabolites?

how to b vitamins affect estrogen metabolitesAs estrogen breaks down in the body, some by-products are considered to be more beneficial than others. For example, 2-hydroxyestrogen metabolites are believed to help guard against breast and prostate cancers. However, this protective effect occurs only after a process called methylation, which takes place in the liver.

To fuel the methylation pathway, the body must have adequate amounts of methionine, which is found in meat, fish, and dairy products. In addition to maintaining a low stress level, adequate amounts of magnesium, B6, B12, folate (B9), SAMe, MSM, and betaine also help the liver perform this life-saving function.

Due to genetics, some individuals simply do not methylate well. Testing of estrogen metabolites is available through hormone testing labs.

  • Lee JR, et al. What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Breast Cancer: How Hormone Balance Can Help Save Your Life. New York, NY: Warner Books; 2002.
  • Genova Diagnostics. Last accessed September 2019.
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