Healthy Aging

september is healthy aging monthHealthy aging is living vitally without disease such that we are able to use our bodies and our minds to their full potential throughout our entire lives. Interest in healthy, successful aging has spawned several professional medical groups that are actively addressing the issues, including the American Academy for Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M), the Age Management Medicine Group (AMMG), the American College for the Advancement in Medicine (ACAM) and the International College of Integrative Medicine (ICIM).

Although it is not their primary focus, the practitioners in these groups support the belief that adequate and balanced levels of hormones are one of the foundations of healthy aging. Here are some of the health issues they are up against in their quest for understanding how we age, and what might be explored to help improve the aging process:

Cardiovascular Aging

The cardiovascular system becomes compromised as the heart struggles to pump blood efficiently and arterial walls are weakened. High blood pressure, arrhythmias, and heart failure symptoms may ensue. However, testosterone is one of the most heart-healthy hormones, and human growth hormone (HGH) supplementation has proven to be of great benefit to a failing heart. Dr. Broda Barnes reported that, with adequate thyroid supplementation, his patients did not get heart attacks.

Changes in Muscle and Bone Health

Bones, joints, and muscles continually weaken, and pain is often a consequence when these tissues become compromised. Sarcopenia, the medical term for loss of muscle mass, also contributes to overall frailty and weakness. These symptoms are all correlated with low hormones including:

  • Human growth hormone (HGH)
  • Testosterone
  • Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)
  • Estrogens
  • Progesterone
  • Thyroid hormones
  • Vitamin D

The stress hormone cortisol may be contributing to tissue damage as well if it remains high over extended periods of time.

The Gastrointestinal Tract

The digestive system becomes compromised with low stomach acid, and a tendency toward constipation increases with age. If there is not enough thyroid activity in the body, the entire digestive tract slows and stagnates.

Age-Related Weight Fluctuations

Weight gain, particularly around the middle, is very common in people as they age. While proper utilization of insulin and glucose are critical, low thyroid hormones are also typically part of pre-diabetic and diabetic dysfunction. Hormones such as testosterone and progesterone help to stabilize blood sugar levels. Excess cortisol encourages fat deposits.

The Urinary Tract 

Urinary and bladder issues become a major factor in a deteriorating quality of life. Estrogens, particularly estriol, are needed to keep the urinary tract and bladder tissue healthy. Testosterone is needed to maintain the strength and integrity of the tissues.

Aging and Mental Health

“I am worried about losing my mind” is a common concern for people as they age. All of the sex and adrenal hormones are “neuro” steroids, which means that they actually concentrate and function in the brain. Thyroid hormones contribute to keeping memory sharp.

Diminished Eyesight and Hearing

Losing eyesight and hearing are also debilitating problems associated with aging. The upper eyelids droop when HGH is deficient. Tears need estrogen, testosterone, and DHEA for an adequate composition of the fatty component. Aldosterone has demonstrated some effectiveness in treating age-related deafness.

Increased Dental Concerns

The teeth may become more brittle and the gums retract. Associated with osteoporosis, these symptoms are linked to deficiencies of vitamin D, estrogens, testosterone, DHEA, and HGH.

Age-Related Changes in the Skin

The skin becomes increasingly wrinkled, thin, and prone to bruising. Estrogens maintain the moisture and structure of the skin. Testosterone and HGH are needed to retain skin thickness and structure.


For many people, sexuality has just about disappeared with age. With low testosterone and low estrogens, many men and women may not be able to function sexually, and they may not even care because those hormones also control sexual interest (the libido).

The Promise of Healthy Aging

This litany of ailments paints a dismal picture of what lies ahead. However, this is an exciting time for medicine, and the professional focus on successful, healthy aging shows great promise. After all, what practitioner does not take great joy in seeing patients continually improve?

Our goal is to plant a seed for you—no matter what age you are—to start exploring the knowledge and tools readily available to better prepare yourself for the aging process. You can be tested and evaluated clinically to determine which hormones may be deficient and which may be excessive. You can choose to make important lifestyle changes so the basic needs of good food, as well as clean air and water, are met. You can keep your body running smoothly by physical activity, healthy play, and exercise. And, with the help of practitioners attuned to healthy aging, you can choose to replenish those hormones that decline with age and take steps to moderate the ones that tend toward excess.

The information on this website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding any condition or medication. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this site.
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